Flora of Libya

Flora of Libya

الصفحة الرئيسية

Poaceae Melica(1)
Family Species Life Form Coastal area Jabal Nafusa area Al-Jabal Al-Akhader area Simi- Sahara & Sahara area Phytochoria Flowering Vern Not

Melica minuta L. H -- Abughilan 2016 Al-Bakur, near Tocra, Wadi El-Kauf, tpper strem of Wadi El-Kauf, Karsa, costal road Derna-Ras El-Hilal 1968 Half way between Shahat and Susa, in Wadi Raseyt 1970 Shahat riuns 1977 (50km) W.of Baida, (3km) from Shahat on way to Derna, main highway 1978 El-kouf area 1984 Al-Mansora 2013 Wadi El-Kauf 2014 Reported in Marmarica north-eastern part of Libya by Pampanini 1930 MED Feb-May -- Wild, native range is Medit.


